Showing posts with the label ConversationShow All
My Name is Nichole | Conversation | Interview
Looking for the Museum
Driving Test
Introducing | Berkenalan | Part I
Greeting & Leaving (Sapa Salam & Pisah)
Introducing Other People | Memperkenalkan Orang Lain
Introducing You Self | Memperkenalkan Diri
Please & Thank You
Talking about vacation (ngobrol tentang liburan)
Can I Borrow Your Umbrella?
Is there a Book store around here? (Apakah Ada Toko Buku di Sekitar Sini?)
I Lost My Luggage (Saya Kehilngan Tas / Koper)
May I Borrow Your Pen? (Bolehkah saya meminjam bolpen?)
Kids vs. Boba
Kids try Tofu
Kids try Tofu
Kids try to eat Dragon fruit
Kids try fruit from Indonesia
Kids try durian
Pecakapan Kegiatan Sehari_hari Berbahasa Inggris (dalam Bentuk Filem Pendek) I