Showing posts with the label OthersShow All
Speak Up Harian 3
Social Experiment : Stranger Save a Little Girl from Kidnapped
Review of The Off Road Car Toys
Interviewing of Cristiano Ronaldo
Islam is Perfect
FRANK Cheers
Decline Speaks about His Number 41
WWF Super Star Speaks in Talk Show
Smart Girt Talking about the Planet
the Goat and the Predator Fall to the Canyon Together
Noah a Cute Boy the Frist Time  in Talk Show
American Got Talent (AGT) the Dancing of Father &  Son
She's not a Doll
What would my kid do?
Debat Bahasa Inggris
Some Motivations
Belajar "ngomong Inggris" dari obrolan remaja dan lain-lain
Belajar "berbicara" dari obrolan "Remaja INGGRIS" vol. 1 to 11
Belajar "berbicara" dari obrolan anak-anak "INGGRIS" vol. 12 to 25
Belajar "berbicara" dari obrolan anak-anak "INGGRIS" vol. 8 to 11